What is compiler ?

A compiler convert the source code into machine language. The programing language is only readable by us but not by the computer when the compiler convert the source code into machine code when the computer can work otherwise cannot as the computer understand only 0 and 1 it was a translator c programing language is also a compiler based programming language for execution of the program compiler is needed I will recommend codeblock
The work of the compiler can be divided into two phases
1.front end: In this you give command to the compiler to build the program, front end starts. The source code go through different analysis . Such as
lexical analysissyntax analysissemantic analysis and intermediate code generation .
When any error is detected the compiler will inform you about the error. And observe that is the program fit to build or not. When there is no error, compilation starts.
2. Back End: When the compilation starts, the phase, back end also starts. In this phase, the source code is optimised to build and the code is generate to machine language. Afterthat the code is executed.

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